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Landing Obligation

A priority established by the EFCA multiannual work programme has been to support the uniform implementation of the LO. In close cooperation with the Member States and the European Commission, the EFCA strategy has been to approach the implementation of the LO from different angles to maximise the use of the main coordination tool (JDPs) in order to develop regional approaches to implement the landing obligation, and to work closely with the regional bodies created by the Member States in order to promote the adoption of decisions facilitating control in all the areas.

In this regard, EFCA cooperation with Member States to support the regional implementation of the LO consists mainly in the following undertakings.

A. Using JDPs to obtain regional indicators and implement the risk assessment and evaluation.

These comprise the following analyses:

a. Last haul  
b. Gramme size  
c. Grade size.

These activities have been encompassed within the control and inspection effort and sea inspections by introducing specific objectives in the relevant JDPs. The provisional results of the project are disseminated to the Member State regional groups and are used for the preparation of regional risk analysis in the different areas to identify the major risks of non-compliance with the landing obligation.

B. Cooperating with all formally constituted regional bodies created by Member States through the PACT approach (Partnership, Accountability (compliance), Cooperation and Transparency)

The PACT approach allows assistance to the MS in accordance with Articles 7 and 15 of EFCA’s founding regulation. EFCA also facilitates inter-regional cooperation on horizontal issues in order to promote uniform implementation and a level playing field across regions.

C. Supporting the dialogue with stakeholders on the implementation of the LO

EFCA staff participate in the different fora where the LO is discussed (advisory councils, STECF, other scientific and research seminars, etc.). EFCA also support the organisation of joint meetings with regional Member State groups and stakeholders.